7 December 2022
2:00 pm / 2:45 pm
Suitable for all staff
60% of professional women will leave their organisation within a year of returning to the workplace after maternity leave.The most common reason is feeling unsupported by their employer.
Course content:
Views about work and family
Reasons for returning to work
Concerns about returning to work
Return to work experiences
Adjusting to work -factors that affect a mothers return to work
Mothers’ perceptions of work-life balance
Support for returning parents
Mental and Physical Health at the end of maternity leave including:
Post Natal Depression – What is PND? What are the symptoms and what support is available?
Birth Trauma (PTSD) What is Birth Trauma? What are the symptoms and what support is available?
Lack of confidence and self esteem on returning to work: What can help?
Awareness of physical health post-baby including Perineal tears, Episiotomy or Childbirth Injuries and Urinary Incontinence.Cesarean awareness and when a baby is born prematurely.
Breastfeeding in the workplace
Seperate 15 minute recording for HR and Line Managers
Sample maternity and breastfeeding policies are included
A full toolkit is included